Monday, March 31, 2008

Cross Post from: FocusedPurpose

This is not my post...these are not my words... however...they are my beliefs. That's why FocusedPurpose is food for my life!!! :

black folks will do better...when black folks DO better

i am personally loving this political season. actually, the pathetic absurdity notwithstanding, there is an upside...there always is…...

quite a few black men have been able to ignore the fact that white women benefited and still do mightily from slavery and white skin privilege; while simultaneously belly aching long and hard about white women’s sons/brothers/husbands. it is really cracking me up to watch hrc do her entitled, shrill, lying, teary-eyed, rules don’t apply to her white woman routine to the fullest for the whole world to witness. she knows her place...first there is the white man and then there is her, the white woman second. wth!!! is obama thinking? hillaryous!

ever notice how white women will claim the benefits of their husbands' experiences at all OTHER times besides slavery and on-going white skin privilege? this is a deliberate tactic and it works time after time. i have witnessed it again and again as black men foolishly fall in, buy in, marry into the nonsense.

many black men have been able to ignore the fact that it has been well recorded that man-less white woman enslavers were required by law, in fear of revolt; to employ horseman security to assist them to ensure the brutal enslavement of black men, women, and children. otherwise, they were perfectly capable by themselves of managing their enslaved humans. furthermore, i have not yet met a white woman whose men folk had not taught her how to use a gun. granted, i am from the south and have had quite a few run-ins with southern belles, steel magnolias, wanna be scarlett o'haras, and proud daughters of the confederacy. these experiences have taught me to look for the smile to reach the eyes and to closely watch behavior. thoughts/feelings of superiority have a distinct vibration and energy i have learned; i don’t fight the feeling as a result. when white supremacy rears its ugly head i act respectfully, boldly, and swiftly to take it right off. i have been labeled often as “intimidating” as a result. fortunately, i care as much about white folks’ labels for me as they do mine for them---not at all.

quite a few black men will readily write off sisters that try to remind them of all the historical and present reasons why, if they are going to do the heavy lifting of committed love, it should be with a black woman. this wisdom gets written off as insecurity and you guessed it--- jealousy. harry potter over at is spilling the beans that most white men won’t in “polite” company. white men’s self respect and murderous desire to remain in the dominant position makes them speak anonymously, if at all…additionally, if they stood and discussed this front and center trust me, there would be reprisals. this is why they don’t speak candidly publicly. white men (all other men in fact) understand the importance of protecting their women at all costs. black men routinely get up and want to advocate for “women” despite the unique suffering and lack of protection (historically and presently) of black women. trust, those prominent brothers that have done this have heard from me. i have said it repeatedly, black folks emulate all the wrong things.

now, compare and contrast that behavior with the black men that cannot seem to wait to say something terrible publicly in jest and seriously about black women. the black men that don’t openly denigrate black women appear to stand in silent agreement. these same silent black men will be offended when word goes out that black men don’t know how to treat their women. these same silent black men that have such visible platforms don’t use them to shut down those other black males that are damaging the collective. so if black men are not concerned with the position and survival of black people and can’t see themselves in their wives, sisters, and daughters (i do not mean only the ones that are personally related to you brothers!)…it is pretty much an exercise in futility for black women to continue be overly concerned. i cannot in good faith advise my sisters to keep waiting…quite a few brothers have moved out and on. black women putting everything and everyone above ourselves has long been the destructive norm. i don’t give half a whit about the norm when it is self defeating.

the only thing i would ask after watching this hillaryous yet pathetic political spectacle is:

brothers, any questions?

of course, i know there will probably be none.

brothers will philosophize, swear they can’t help who they love while refusing to love those that look like them and need them the most, continue to kill each other in record numbers, continue to prey on and take from the women and children they should protect and provide for, despite knowing full well that white men (historically and presently) can’t stand the thought of free genetically dominant black men; and have consistently demonstrated no problem with unevenly applying the law to eliminate the perceived threat, brothers will continue to do those things to foolishly jeopardize their freedom---mind you not honorable imprisonment like fighting for freedom, really stupid embarrassing stuff that support the racist stereotypes, and make yet more excuses while continuing the dogged pursuit of...white women and any other woman at this point---asian, hispanic, racially ambiguous, oh God ANYONE anyone that doesn't look like him.

to quote a peculiar looking little loud-mouth black male with an international platform and high visibility---black wives are a “handicap”. clearly, by the behavior quite a few black men believe this way…


i am now granting myself permission to speak freely---grown talk for grown folks.

why? because black men and women, collectively, have not been able to figure out the simplest things. collectively black folks have continued to measure themselves against white standards/definitions. collectively blacks continue to foolishly see whites as their “competition” rather than acknowledging the historical and present undisputable fact that whites have declared and waged open war against black men, women and children for centuries! there has been nothing, nothing at all that would indicate intent to cease and desist with this “tradition” anytime soon. all signs are to the contrary in fact.

whites (male and female) understand the importance of disrupting the natural balance/dynamics of black male and female relationships. for this reason they have been careful to do it century after century. using everything that they can. today their greatest weapon is the media, imagery, and so called education. we are being turned against each other. used consistently to hurt and disrespect one another. we are allowing our historical enemies to define who we are (try criminals and whores), what we should consider desirable and beautiful (anything but black! ½ black is as black as it can be!!!) and the direction we will go as a people (no where but down). despite being shown time after time the nature of the beast, collectively blacks have sought to negotiate with the proud descendents of sociopathic liars that have demonstrated that treaties, promises, laws and agreements are made to be broken. despite good logic or reason blacks have sought to forget our history rather than embrace, learn and honor our history, ancestors, and ourselves.

adding to this and multiplying the problem, black men demonstrate collectively, a selfishness and cowardice that one would be hard pressed to find in a child of either sex. even children are known by what they...DO. or in the case of black men, refuse to do. like stand up, protect, and provide for their women and children; this should be the norm not the exception my brothers. black men should busy themselves immediately with setting and upholding community standards that provide for and benefit the community---you know the men, women, and children--- not just black men. brothers need to stop, immediately, begging white folks to bestow upon them freedom and equality. there is no way to have great self esteem without doing esteemable things. brothers would do well to realize, finally, one must assert their equality and seize their freedom. but then we come back to figuring things out and courage. speaking of figuring things out…ever ask yourselves, black men, why if black women are so ugly and undesirable are white men so obsessed with us? always have been---even when declaring us “animals” and are the same way now. it is kindda like white folks convincing black folks that africa is bad bad bad while you can’t keep white folks out of rich, fertile, mother of humanity africa. it is called trickery my brothers. whenever you are ready you can stop falling for it.

without fail, when faced with a situation of either disrespecting/betraying his black woman or upsetting a white woman, most black men choose---i will let you take a guess. in doing so, know that you confirm that not only is the white woman supreme and superior but her man is as well-his word is supreme and since he said the white woman is better than your black woman you agree. think about it. you know, fanon’s black skin white masks should really be a cautionary tale not an excuse as some pseudo intellectuals have made it. i have been a dark skinned, gloriously woolly, nappy haired black woman all of my life. i speak from experience. this is also how i know that white men tend to be obsessive about our skin, natural hair, and being in close proximity to us.

so, it was the Ford obama article that i posted that got me to really thinking about this. in it he said "White men, the recipients of the most unearned privilege, wealth and power over the four centuries of English-speaking settlement (theft) in North American"...Read more...

there are other books, written by black men as well, i have read that routinely excuse/omit white women from their rightful places next to their men as enslavers and white supremacists. it is the white woman who has benefitted the most from slavery and white supremacy. let me say that again. ready? it is the white woman that has benefitted the most from slavery and white supremacy. she fights relentlessly to maintain white supremacy. straight hrc gangsta with it in case you didn’t know. understand that because of white supremacy and white domination the white woman gets to be comfortable, protected, well provided for, supreme, the epitome of femininity, virtuous, brazenly slutty and sitting at the top with her white supremacist man---when she chooses. all privileges based on lies, brutality and the continued destruction and exploitation of black people and other people of color world-wide.

despite how history is re-written when the movie gets made by white folks, white women have not been overcome with compassion for the humanity of black folks. when white women like harriet beecher stowe ,who gave birth to uncle tom and his cabin, did challenge the system it was to save the souls of white folks. she was not really trying to stop exploiting the black men and women that made her life so comfortable. the white woman to this day can and does routinely the most gold digging slutty things of all time; while white men keep lying about her being the epitome of virtue, femininity and beauty. black men keep gobbling up the okey doke and self terminating. black women, too, for that matter, but that’s a different post. let me be clear, wherever the black man goes the black woman follows. this has always been the case, from wearing conks/relaxed hair in days of old to what we are witnessing today…

so since black men aren’t figuring this out quickly enough and seem determined to help external de-population efforts by cooperatively internally de-populating---let me help you figure this out. white men and white women share white skin privilege. white men and white women have worked together and continue to work together to enslave black men and black women all over the world. understand that as you scream and shout about the white supremacy and racism of white men while in record numbers dating, procreating, and marrying white women that the joke is on you. it really is a joke at this point. a bad bad bad joke. think about it. the white woman’s value is established/maintained by the same source that in no uncertain terms dehumanizes you and your women routinely. instead of standing and fighting against this declaration of war in large numbers you instead support the nonsense wholeheartedly, disrespectfully, vehemently, loudly in words and deeds. respect is earned my brothers.

the fact that quite a few brothers, lebron james included, can’t see the problem with the revival of king kong makes me want to throw up both my hands. this “classic” has re-emerged around the same time the love of nooses and black-face reappeared. history is repeating itself and quite a few black men have chosen not to be bothered with something as crucial as survival and self preservation. instead, they are busy procreating out and not paying attention. where is the honor, heart, esteem and courage in that? “history does not forgive those that lose their way” Lerone Bennett spoke with great insight and wisdom. it would be in the best interest of all to heed his words immediately.

in closing, let me share this true story. i met a really smart older gentleman recently. he and his blue eyed black wife started a black film festival. how are her blue eyes relevant, you ask? i am glad you did. his wife had the same superiority complex that you will find in quite a few really fair complexioned black people. she consistently made statements that would have not been permissible had she in fact been a white woman. statements that attributed improper planning, disorganization and substandard performance at her film festival to “blackness”, “inferiority”, and “colored folks” rather than her improper planning, disorganization and under performance. since she was in charge that buck would have stopped with her; obviously that fact escaped her. black black me pointing it out did not go over very well either.

her husband is as black as they make them. i have noticed and am not afraid to say that quite a few pro-black, dashiki wearing, power to the people; fist raised black nationalists love love love really white looking black women. unless, they just refuse to pretend and go straight for…white, asian, hispanic, or other women. this brother and i had very interesting conversations. he always told me books to read. one of the books he suggested i read that we were to discuss was black power by stokely carmichael. i needed to re-read it to prepare for our discussion. before we could discuss the priniciples of the book, i learned that this man that can spot a white man conspiracy a mile away---employed an incompetent, entitled white woman to be in charge of the films in his black film festival! “black power” principles notwithstanding! not answering phones, for maintenance, or assisting the person in charge of the films. she was in charge of the films at the black film festival! needless to say, we never discussed the book. the conversation would have been a hollow waste of time. what good are sound principles if they are not applied?

black folks will do better when black folks DO better. it really is that simple.
... and I will add...from my point of view... black folks will do better when black MEN DO better. it really is that simple.


BLKSeaGoat said...

Very true words, bro. Black men have to accept the onus of making our people better.

This doesn't discount combining our efforts with our sisters', but for too long the struggle to better our people has been one-sided with black women carrying the ENTIRE burden.

So yeah, when black men do better, black PEOPLE will do better.

Anonymous said...

blkseagoat, however too many bm who are now being educated are not marrying the bw. So, where does that leave bp? Hmmm, Michael Strahan 53% of his income went to his ex wife of 6 years. And, people complaint about Michael Jordan's college sweatheart/wife.

IMO bm most certainly need to wake the duck up. They are the ones still going to jail in record numbers. I would like to see how many of Wesley Snipes' non-bw friends come and visit him in jail. The nerve of men like him... I do not like bw. And, they should also add to their list their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and every female in their families.

Most bm still need a female who will help keep him on the straight and narrow. I am not a Wesley Snipes fan any more; however, I do believe he should not have been given such a sentence. Then again maybe time behind bars will help Wesley to focus better on what is important in life.
Ann F.