Saturday, March 8, 2008

Finally ... ...

...A Black man...willing to step out...and speak the truth!!! Let's be courageous and stand up in our community!!!

Thank you Taalam.


focusedpurpose said...

hi there!

i saw this brother recently. he is AMAZING!!!

thank you for not doing the regular "it is everyone else's fault" thing.

be encouraged brother, thank you for all that you do.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all that you do B4B. You give me hope that there are black men out there who care about black women, black children, and the black community. God Bless You and yours.


BLKSeaGoat said...

I like the fact that Talaam acknowledges the critical failures of the black community, but I am still not convinced that we can continue to lay blame for our behavior on white folks or the man.

I like Talaam's style, but white people having money and power is NO EXCUSE for black people, black men in particular, becoming NIGGAS.

Black 4 Black said...


We're saying the same thing. The fact of the matter is this: If the institution did not exist, the sell out would need to find other means of selling out. 50cent needs a major distibutor to be a major sell-out. It's not the drug dealer's fault that the drugee is drugged out...I'm not saying that. The dealer is going to get as much as s/he can though. We need to hold ourselves accountable for our actions and choices....bottom line!